
Nikon’s Full Frame Mirrorless Camera Will Likely Have a New Lens Mount [Rumor] | Grooved Flange Adaptor

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As Mvilletouchstone’s content strategist, Alan does more than wrangle commas. With more than 10 years of editorial and inbound marketing experience, he’s obsessed with innovating new ways of creating amazing content that’s absurdly useful and effective. (He also works with in-house contributors and clients as an editor, strategist, interviewer, coach, and sometimes therapist.)

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However, I’d like a cinematic camera to jump to Canon’s new RF-mount. There are native adapters to seamlessly use EF-mount lenses (including a filter drop-in adapter), plus RF-mount will future proof it.

Sigma is all in. Will have ART lenses with L Mount. They will even do a mount swap if you want for a fee. I’m also surprised they went with the Fujifilm style LCD screen. I believe it has something to do with weather proofing that hinge. People want it but they don’t seem to think it’s important. Bummer.

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There were five construction companies working on the project. Crews kept discovering more copper-to-copper lines leading to residential homes, especially as they ventured away from the city’s core, officials have said.

The Nikkor Z 24-70mm f/4 S and 35mm f/1.8 S will be available on September 27th and will cost $1,000 and $850, respectively. The 50mm f/1.8 S will be available in late October with a price tag of $600.

Nikon says it’s developing an MB-N10 Multi-Power Battery Pack that will provide long hours of shooting. It will increase the number of photos possible and the maximum recording time by 1.8x.

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It’s a minor but why didn’t Panasonic choose a better LCD to put on the top like Canon, Nikon and Fuji did?

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While Canon missed the boat on a few specs, it’s still a very nice camera for anyone looking to move up from intermediate level DSLR bodies. It’s also pretty clear that Canon (like most flagship companies in their respective tech, e.g. Apple iPhones) almost always hold back some of the specs for refinement and integration on the next model release. I don’t blame Canon for this, it’s business, Sony did it too. Legendary reliability, professional quality images, and great lenses; it’s hard to complain with that from Canon. Give Canon and Nikon both a few years to integrate and improve specs. Anyone expecting the world’s perfect camera with Canon’s very first full frame mirror-less body was sure to be disappointed either way. I do not think this camera was designed for professionals looking to switch from top of the line DSLRs to mirror-less, it was intended for intermediate photographers looking to upgrade from mid-level bodies.

Nikon’s Full Frame Mirrorless Camera Will Likely Have a New Lens Mount [Rumor] | Grooved Flange Adaptor Related Video:

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