
Flanged End Non-Rising Stem Gate Valves-DIN3352 F4 PN16, Tipe Kemasan

Katrangan singkat:

1.Standar: Conforms to DIN3352 2.Face to Face conforms to BS EN558-1 Series 14 3.Flange drilled to BS EN1092 4.Material: Ductile Iron 5.Normal Pressure:PN16 6.Size: DN40-DN300

Detail Produk

Tag produk

1.Standar: Selaras karo DIN3352
2. Ngadhepi Pasuryan cocog karo BS EN558-1 Seri 14
3.Flange dilatih kanggo BS EN1092
4. Bahan: Besi Ulet
5. Tekanan Normal: PN16
6. Ukuran: DN40-DN300

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