Cov khoom

Flanged End Globe Valves-DIN3202 F1

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

1.Standard: Conforms rau DIN3356 2.Face to Face conforms BS EN558-1 Series 1/DIN3202 F1 3.Flange drilled to BS EN1092 4.Material: Cast Iron/Ductile Iron 5.Normal Pressure: PN6.Size/16. Qauv: DN15-DN300

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

1.Standard: Raws li DIN3356
2. Lub ntsej muag rau ntsej muag ua raws li BS EN558-1 Series 1 / DIN3202 F1
3.Flange drilled rau BS EN1092
4.Material: Cam khwb cia hlau / Ductile Iron
5.Normal Pressure: PN10/16
6. Loj: DN15-DN300

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